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Updated: Sep 2, 2020

Hi! My name is Fab and I'm a cow supporter and a young entrepreneur. There were many inspirations to start Cow Crossing but the main came from a Domino's pizza box. I was sharing a large cheese pizza (with mushrooms and green peppers) with my mother. When I was eating my attention was on the box littered with facts about dairy cows. It turns out that there are over 9 million dairy cows just in the US. I decided to research further into dairy cows and what I found was shocking. THE MAJORITY OF THE COWS HAVE TERRIBLE LIVING CONDITIONS! This is awful. We are just using them for their milk and what do they get in return? A big fat NOTHING! Not even a pasture of grass to graze on. So like the Lorax once said... “I am Fab . I speak for the cows. I speak fot the cows, for the trees cannot speak. And I am asking you, people, at the top of my lungs. Oh please do not abuse another one.”

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